Why Following Up With Clients Should Be At The Top Of Your To-Do List
Aug 21, 2022Glow Boss, if you are not doing this currently in your business when dealing with your clients, you must change your ways! Have you heard the phrase, “The fortune is in the follow up?” Well, if you haven’t, then listen up and grab a pen and paper, sis, because this is some information that will be beneficial to you in growing your biz. I hear from beauty business owners all the time about how they want the key tips to growing their clientele. Pro tip numero uno to having a flourishing business isn’t always about getting NEW clients into your doors, it’s about RETAINING current clients so they come back to you on the regular.
If you’re able to master the craft of retaining your clients by getting them to re-book with you consistently, it makes it much much easier to keep a full book of business. When you retain current clients you’re not having to constantly chase down the next person you want to bring into your doors. The current clients you already have coming to see you have already decided that they like you and the service that you offer, you just have to WOW them enough to get them to come back. So how in the H.E. Double L do we actually get our clients wanting to come back and book with us? We follow up with them! The reason we say that the fortune is in the follow up is 2-fold, really. Let me explain:
1. You remind your clients that you care and that you exist
When you follow up with clients after their initial appointment, it shows them that you give a damn about how their experience was. You’re a thoughtful service provider that wants to make sure they are completely satisfied. People want to feel as though they matter. After all, they are spending their hard earned money in your business! Receiving a simple message after their appointment to follow up on their results gives you the opportunity to stay fresh in their mind for the next time they will need a service and it allows you to talk through and resolve any issues they may have had with the results. This type of rapport works to build a better trust and connection with your clients so that they feel like they can come to you and know that the service they are getting is one that has heart and passion behind it.
2. People are busy and they forget
If you had an inquiry from a potential client and they ended up going ghost without booking an appointment, the fortune is in the follow up when you give them another little nudge to remind them that they inquired about the service in the first place. How many times have you sent a message or checked your phone and completely forgot to reply to someone. Probably about a million, right!? People get busy and forget to actually make an appointment even if their intentions were to do so. That little follow up message can be the difference between never getting that person into your studio or having them as a life-long client. I know it’s easy to feel like you’re being pushy in these types of situations, but remember that as a business owner you are doing yourself a disservice if you sit around and wait for your dreams to happen instead of going out there and bringing things to fruition. Sometimes that looks like taking the initiative to start or reignite a conversation.
If you haven’t put following up with current and potential clients into your to-do business tasks, make sure you start! If you have done this, reflect on how you’re currently following up with clients. Is it working for you? Or do you need to switch things up a bit? What’s great about this process is that it’s fairly simple to automate. Normally, whatever booking system you use will have an option to set up an automatic follow up message to go out to your clients at a certain time after their appointment. You can also add a more personal touch to this process by personally texting or emailing clients with a follow up message. This option is obviously going to be more time consuming and you’re more likely to slack on staying consistent with this when your life starts to get busier. Whichever way you decide to go about following up with clients and potential clients, just make sure to set a system for yourself to actually do it! It’ll make all the difference in keeping your books filled and your clients happy.
If you want more tips on how you can systemize your beauty biz to reach your goals, subscribe to The Beauty Business Babes Podcast on iTunes or Spotify!