Can you Shave After a Spray Tan?
Feb 04, 2023
One of those frequently asked after-tan questions that us spray tan artists get is, “can I shave after my spray tan?” Although we typically advise clients to do all of their shaving, showering and exfoliating prior to their tan appointment, you may still have clients wonder if it is possible for them to shave afterward without messing everything up. The reason we put our tan instructions together in a way that guides clients to perform their shower activities before their tan is so that the skin is in the best condition to receive the spray tan solution. As we always say, the number one goal is to create a spray tan that doesn’t look like a spray tan, right!? We want the results to be as seamless and natural as possible. In order for that to happen, spray tan skin prep is a must! This is also where we rely on the clients to do their half of the work for their appointment. So let’s go over the ins and outs of the answer to this frequently asked question!
The Downside To Post-Tan Shaving
Shaving is another form of exfoliation to the skin, which means when we shave, we are also taking off part of that top layer of skin while we remove the hair. The reason this is a problem for the longevity of a spray tan is because any exfoliation performed on the skin post-tan will remove some of that color, resulting in faster fading. This is usually something we try to avoid so that our clients can have the most incredible looking glow for as long as possible! However, if we are making our tans last as long as possible, that may produce a tan that lasts up to two weeks! I don’t know about you, but my hair grows fast! In the summertime especially, this would make for some pretty furry legs for us ladies! If a client comes to you concerned about the fact that they won’t be able to shave while they have their tan OR they forgot to shave prior and wonder if it’s okay for them to shave after their appointment, you will want to advise them that it will disrupt the depth of the color and the longevity of the tan. With that being said, not all hope is lost when it comes to post-tan shaving!
Best Practices for Shaving Post-Tan
Luckily, there is some wiggle room when it comes to this question. You don’t have to give your clients a hard “no” when they ask you about shaving post-tan. As we mentioned previously, you'll want to make sure they know the downside of shaving with their spray tan, but it is possible to do this without ruining everything.
Wait it Out
If shaving is going to be done after the spray tan, it most definitely should be done once the tan has fully developed. Usually a spray tan will be rinsed after 8 hours and then will be fully developed at 24 hours after the appointment. Since shaving involves exfoliating the skin and using some sort of wash in the shower, the tan won’t develop properly if the body is shaved before the 24 hour development period.
Be Gentle
Having a light touch is the best way to go about shaving post spray tan because you don’t want to exfoliate the skin any more aggressively than you have to. Using gentle pressure with a razor, preferably that has a sharp blade, will allow you to easily take off the hair without disrupting the tan too extensively.
One more important aspect to shaving in general when it comes to spray tans deals with the moisture strips that are found on a lot of razors. When a client is prepping for their tan, it’s best to use a razor that doesn't have a moisture strip because they pose the risk of leaving a residue on the skin that can create a barrier between the spray tan solution and the skin. Just as you would guess, this barrier makes it so the tan doesn’t fully develop or creates a “streaky” appearance on the legs once the tan is developed.
With all of the information, the answer to the question about shaving that we often get as spray tan artists comes with some gray area! Although this isn’t a cut and dry “yes” or “no’ response to this question, I hope this gives you some more clarity on how you can approach this question with a response that guides your client toward making the best decision for themselves and the outcome they hope to receive from their service. For more spray tan and business related tips, head on over to the Beauty Business Babes Podcast on iTunes or Spotify!