5 Ways To Improve Your Spray Tan Technique
Jan 27, 2022
Being a pro in the sunless industry means soaking in all the tips and tricks that will have you delivering the most beautiful natural looking spray tans in all the land. If you’re a spray tan veteran you may already be doing some of these techniques and that’s why your clients are choosing you as their go-to sunless artist. If you’re new to the sunless industry, these tips will help you become even more skilled so that you can be one step closer to be the spray tan artist of choice in your town! The goal every time we complete a tanning service is to create an outcome that makes our client feel like they just got naturally sunkissed so that they can radiate from the inside out. The feeling you give your client from offering them a professional service that goes above and beyond by providing them an unforgettable experience will be what builds your clientele and keeps your glow babes returning to you time and time again.
Below I have five expert tips for you to step up yo’ glow game:
1. Stop at the Wrists & Avoid the Palms
Spray tanning the arms, wrists and hands is something that a lot of sunless artists struggle with during their appointments. When spraying the arms, it can be tricky to make the wrist area look natural. Without being aware of where you’re spraying, you can see oversaturation on the wrists and palms that looks unnatural and is a dead giveaway that your client has a sunless tan. To improve this, make sure to bend the wrists away from the line of spray and stop your stream of spray before hitting the palm of the hand. It’s also helpful to pull your gun away the close you get to the wrist to get a more natural look and avoid oversaturation. The wrist area can, at times, be more dry, so it’s helpful to put barrier cream on this area and make sure there is not too much solution applied to the area that could create a sharp line of color from the wrist to the palm.
2. Overlap Layers
One thing we definitely DO NOT want when sunless tanning, is streaks! Sunless tanning has a bad reputation for two things: turning out orange and causing streaks. Both of these outcomes have created an image in so many people’s minds that if they do a “fake tan” then they will look unnatural. As sunless pros, however, we know that the technology behind the sunless products we use and the skillful techniques we put into action during appointments makes it so these two dreaded things do not happen! Streaky looking spray tans are a no-go, but they can most definitely be avoided. When spraying you want to overlap each layer to ensure that you’re covering all areas of the skin so that you can give a bad azz even glow every single time! Essentially, when you’re spraying one portion of the body, you’ll move over to the next portion making sure the stream of spray is slightly overlapping.
3. Avoid the Underarm
When spraying the sides of your clients, make sure to avoid spraying directly on the underarm area. To avoid the underarm, we recommend making an X shape when spraying the sides of the body. When tanning naturally in the sun, the underarm areas will naturally be lighter than the rest of the tanned areas that have come in contact with direct sunlight. We want to be able to mimic this experience as closely as possible when providing a spray tan, therefore, avoiding spraying directly in the underarm area creates a more overall natural appearance tot the tan.
4. Bear Claws
As we mentioned before, spraying the hands can be difficult for sunless artists, especially if you’re just starting out! A few of the main issues that I hear from Glow Bosses when it comes to tanning the hands is over saturation and unevenness in between the fingers or in the creases of the knuckles. Just like with the wrists, your technique can make all the difference in this area! Instruct your client to make “bear claws” where their fingers are slightly bent and spread apart, then spray in an X formation across the hands. This allows the solution to evenly be distributed in between the fingers and in the creases of the knuckles to avoid any unnatural white creasing or unevenness on the hands.
5. Smile Lines
Who loves to make the booty look fab when giving a spray tan?! That’s right, we all do! There’s a few different tricks that you can incorporate into your spray tan technique when it comes to accentuating the booty (you can learn more about this in our Master's Spray Tan Training Course). However, today I want to mostly talk to you about using your skills to create a natural look for your clients. This includes spraying under the tush to cover what we refer to as the “smile lines,” or creases under butt. To spray this area, have your client slightly bend at the knees and lean forward slightly from the waist. This position will allow you to evenly spray and dry the smile lines to give the appearance that your client is a naturally bronzed goddess.
Put your hands up high if you LOVED all of these fun little sunless tricks! The best part about this is that there’s more where these tips and tricks come from. Spray Tan Class is your go-to place to become the Glow Boss of your dreams. If you’re ready to dive in deep and become a master of your craft, head over to our course options and learn more about our Master’s Certification Training!
We are having an in-person Slay The Spray training events coming up in the month of February! If you are interested in getting spray tan certified, our Beginner's Course Certification will be taught in Dayton, Ohio February 27th by one of our amazing Slay The Spray Trainers, Renee Crumrine.
Our Beginner’s Spray Tan Certification program will have you walking away knowing everything you need to know in order to establish your business, book your first client and start living your Glow Boss dream!
Is the Beginner’s Spray Tan Certification right for you? This is what you’ll take away from this training:
- The Secret To Filling Up Your Appointment Book Before You Even Launch Your Business
- The Little-Known Technique For Getting A Perfect Spray Tan On The Most Troublesome Areas
- The (G)Lowdown On The Top Spray Solutions On The Market PLUS Which Ones To Buy And Which Ones To Avoid
- 7 Reasons Why Luxe Spray Tans Are Worth 10x More Than Cheap Booth Spray Tans
- The Simple Mindset Shift That Can Help You Conquer Your Fear And Take The Leap On Your Business
- The Fool-Proof Spray Tan Slayer Business Model That Will Help You Scale Your Business From $0 To 6 Figures
To learn more about this event and purchase your ticket now, head over to spraytanclass.com!